So basically, the pvp tier list is outdated and not true. So I, will make a tier list on my own to make a better PVP tier list. If something is not correct or messed up tell me in the comments. I will also give a reason why it is good in PVP. I don't have some of these stands so don't blame me. Anyway, lets begin. NOTE: Shiny means the original (Example: UGER: GER)
- Mr. President Reason: No reason. OP
S Tier[]
- Kars Reason : Kars is a good spec in PVP. If you can pull it off you can even beat a OH. Kars is also fast with Z,C,V,Q moves. God PVP spec.
- Star Platinum Over Heaven Reason: Star Platinum OH has S in all its stats so of course it is OP. It moves do a lot of damage. Especially the T move (that strong punch move, Reality Overwrite) dealing 60+ damage. It is not that good because it does not have that much long range. It used to be Close/Long ranged when it had Star Ball or something, but it got removed.
- The World Over Heaven Reason: TWOH has good moves and it is ACTUALLY long/close ranged because of the knifes and the lightning. It also has all S, like SPOH.
- Made In Heaven Reason: Fastest stand, Universe reset, good damage moves.
- Gold Expierence Requiem Reason : Not that much moves but OP because of all S stats. When you get rushed, you never escape it. Also, if you don't have GER or OH, you are basically dead because all GER SPAM RTZ AND IT IS DAMN ANNOYING.
- Samurai Reason : Now you wonder, why is this in S Tier? If you use T and C to keep your distance, you can use E,R,T, and F to beat your opponent.
- Shadow The World Reason : God this stand makes me triggered. This stand is a mix of A and S. You know why? So basically, STW has 2 counters + a TS. So when i fight a STW, they spam these counters and i accidently hit them because I sometimes do The Hand's R move. Plus the TS drains health with the counters. Tbh, this stand needs a huge nerf.
A Tier[]
- King Crimson Reason : The combos with KC is annoying as hell. Please F+ J does a HELL TON of damage. Balanced stats also. The reason why it isnt in S tier is because it has bad durability (E) so it is in A.
- D4C Reason: The stand is annoying as hell and the clones are even more annoying. When you get caught by the H move, the clone is so fast. Also, clowns just go in a crowd and press F.
- King Crimson : Alternate Universe Reason : The moves are pretty good and the TE is annoying.
- The World AU Reason : Good moves and easy combos. When the horse comes out it will be OP.
- Vampire Reason : Good spec, good moves, and zombies are OP when getting teamed on.
- Killer Queen BTD Reason : Good moves, close/long ranged, and the H move used to be good when it could heal, and F move OP.
- C-Moon Reason : Nice moves, trash range but it is a good running/chasing stando.
- Sticky Fingers
Reason: This stand is so good damn annoying. I highly doubt this would get nerfed.
B Tier[]
- The Hand Reason: This should be in A or S, but its not. Why, you ask? This stand is deadly with E,R and F. Especially F, E,R. Don't underestimate this.
- Crazy Diamond Reason : Don't underestimate. Deadly when it gets low health.
- Star Platinum & The World Reason: Why is 2 stands in the same place? No, its not because im lazy. It is because they are basically the same stand so why not. They both are good. SP has alot of moves and almost has TSP. TW has less moves but has TWOH, VTW and STW. That is why both of them are popular.
- Star Platinum: The World Reason: basically a v+r spam stand
- S&W Reason: Good stand with good combos. Also has a flight move.
- Hamon Reason: Good spec with good combos. Also the nemesis of STW, VTW, TWGH,Vampire, Kars and Santana. (maybe more idk)
- Shiny Sword Reason: Good damage. It is bad because the goddamn long range stands have a advantage.
- GE Reason: It is kinda good. but, everybody gangsta until the ge u "ez" ed on pulls up wit ger
- Anubis Reason: ehhhh this should be in C. Not that great of a stand because long ranged standos. Kinda good moves i guess. Also, the trap move that says the quote, people can glitch and escape and you are standing still saying the quote and people can easily it you while you are doing it. B or C stando.
- Spin Reason: basically a run and spam spin ball spec
C Tier[]
- Star Platinum SO Reason: Dont underestimate. Good moves with good damage. V, Y, and T are god moves on SPSO.
- Whitesnake Reason: D I S C U spam
- Sword Reason: trash
- 2 Arm KC Reason: Actually kinda good. But as i said for KC, bad durability.
- Santana Reason: trash
- HG Reason: Actually kinda good stando. But dont get hit, bad durability.
D Tier []
- 1 arm KC Reason: T + R + E combo. A little bit good but it is trash cuz durability.
I used the PVP tier list but made it better so it is not trash. Don't be mad in the comments over a tier. I haven't had a lot of stands so. If you want me to switch a tier, tell me in the comments. Also leave a reason. So yeah i hope you enjoy the PVP Tier List (In My Opinion). oh yeah YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO MAKE THIS. EVERY MINUTE I JUST FELT LIKE TO CONTINUE TOMORROW, BUT I HAD TO GET IT DONE.