A Bizarre Day (Roblox) Wiki
A Bizarre Day (Roblox) Wiki

SomeWato SomeWato 13 February 2022


Buttercup has a simple appearance, being just two purple arms with white gloves, and clocks on the sides of its arms.

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SomeWato SomeWato 13 February 2022

Whitesnake AU Husk

Whitesnake AU's husk is the husk of Whitesnake AU having broken off upon evolving into C-Moon AU.

The WS:AU husk is used to evolve C-Moon AU to Meikaruza.


the Whitesnake AU Husk is a broken apart, duller version of Whitesnake AU.

When using the husk on C-Moon AU, it will create a gold explosion and a large cloud of dust.

  • It will turn C-Moon AU users into Meikaruza. It cannot be used with any other stands.
  • Spawns every 40 minutes with a 1/4 (25%) chance.
  • Never despawns.
  • It cannot be bought.
  • It can be obtained by digging with a Trowel with a 0.4% chance.
  • It can only spawn or be obtained from a Trowel when a C-Moon AU user is in the server.
  • The explosion created upon use knocks away other players by around 20 studs, but doesnt deal damage.
  • The ā€¦

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SomeWato SomeWato 13 February 2022


  • 1 "You were more than just a dream." - Pucci AU (Enrico Pucci, ć‚Øćƒ³ćƒŖć‚³ćƒ»ćƒ—ćƒƒ)
    • 1.1 Summary
    • 1.2 Appearance
    • 1.3 Movesets/Abilities
    • 1.4 Trivia

too lazy to do this

too lazy to do this also

  • This stand is technically MiH AU.
  • The stand follows you differently, being that it lags behind a bit.
  • If the user is using a move where they cant move, the player can move around as the stand and make it attack.
  • The stand always does its attacks a bit after the user uses their move.
  • The stands appearance is based off a JJAU stand.
  • This stand's pose music is Out of my league.
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SomeWato SomeWato 13 February 2022

C-Moon AU

  • 1 "You're always gonna fail, when you're a piece of shit." - Pucci AU (Enrico Pucci, ć‚Øćƒ³ćƒŖć‚³ćƒ»ćƒ—ćƒƒ)
    • 1.1 Summary
    • 1.2 Appearance
    • 1.3 Movesets/Abilities
    • 1.4 Evolved Forms

C-Moon: Alternate Universe, usually shortened to CM:AU, is a fanmade alternate universe version of C-Moon.

C-Moon AU is a particularly dangerous Stand to encounter. It has very powerful attacks, and some attacks hit a second time due to its main power, controlling gravity around the user. This power can also be used to provide the user with very high mobility in comparison to other Stands. This Stand can easily take on any ability in the game, provided the user can use it well.

C-Moon AU is obtainable by using a Requiem Arrow on Whitesnake AU.

C-Moon AU is a humanoid Stand. As a result of Pucciā€¦

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SomeWato SomeWato 13 February 2022

Mario Spec

E: Punch

you do punch

30 dmg

R: Jump-kick

Jump kick, yeah you should understand it

42 dmg

T: Combo

you do punch punch kick combo yes

20 dmg for the punches, 30 for the kick

Y: Fancy Jump

you do high jump yes

no dmg

F while against a wall: Wall jump

you do a walljump

no dmg

Z: Somersault

You do a somersault backwards, where you are invincible during the whole move.

no dmg

X: Duck

You duck. If you use this in the air, you do a ground pound, which you can cancel with X.

50 dmg for ground pound no dmg for the duck

T while ducking: Backflip

somersault but different and longer, so you have more invincibility.

no dmg

R while ducking: Sweep Kick

yeah you know that thing people used as a dance in sm64 machinimas yeah that

20 damage per kick

C: Slide

KCAU slide yes

V: Dive

You dā€¦

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