The Manual of Style is the style manual for the ABD wiki articles. It describes the guidelines that should be followed by editors to standardize the writing and revising of articles within the Wiki.
Writing and Formatting
Main responsibilities:[]
-Use proper grammar in all wiki articles.
-Creating new pages when in-game content is added.
-Assist on countering Vandalism and correct False Informations
-Maintain professionalism in all matters while on the wiki.
-Never use First Person and Second-Person, always use Third-Person.
E.g. Do not use 'you', 'I', 'we', 'our'. Instead, use 'the player/user'
-Do not give your opnion in pages, readers must reach to their own conclusions.
-Every time the name of the article is repeated, the name must be Bolded.
-Write ROBLOX instead of Roblox.
-Use italics for brand names/games outside of ABD.
-Articles should be written in a gender-neutral way (they, their, it).
Images: png, jpg, jpeg, ico, svg. }
Videos: gif, ogv, } Media
Audio: odm, ogg, ogv. }
Others: pdf, ods, odt, odp, odg, odc, odi.
Gallery are a organized way to put images and media in one place. In order to put a Gallery, you can either use the source-code or with the editor itself. All media you want to put in a gallery must be in here.
Gallery Options[]
The Gallery gives alot of options to the editor, you can change the position, how much images you want in a cloumn, and the spacing btween the photo.
Moveset's table
Moveset's table are a organized way when writting a moveset for a Stand or Spec. You can add many columns and Rows as you want.
Moveset's Tabber is a feature to seperate certain types of moveset. For example, an ability has a new moveset activated by a button.
{| class="article-table"
{| class="article-table"
Navigation Boxes:
Navigation Boxes are a feature that should be located in the bottom of an article. They are boxes that can be used for easy navigation within the wiki
- Stands/Specs
- Items
- In-game Locations & Special Areas
- NPCs