A Bizarre Day (Roblox) Wiki
A Bizarre Day (Roblox) Wiki

ā€œH....Help.....Me.....ā€ - The stand attempting to communicate[]


An alternate universe, where an experiment was attempted on Triple O and TOW to double the power. This, however had failed up badly. It is a combination of TOW and Triple O. The right arm is destroyed. It also has no user, as the experiment destroyed the bond, and is simply alone.


Passive 1 - Weak Body

  • The stand is much slower as itā€™s state is very destroyed.

Passive 2 - Trauma

  • The stand is very affected by emotional things, and is a big weakness.


Itā€™s ability consists of using the emotions to itā€™s power. Such as anger, the stand gains the ability to use their sword. Sadness makes them a lot more durable.

Anger - Able to use their sword.

Sadness - Gains a forcefield, blocking anyone from coming in.

Happiness - Rarest emotion to obtain however once happened, a shockwave will happen blowing everyone away (The shockwave is galaxy level of strength).

Disgust - Acts very similar to anger, the stand will gain the ability to use the Scythe (Scythe used by Triple O).

Note: It can turn off the power of this ability, and can only activate once in battle.[]


