A Bizarre Day (Roblox) Wiki
A Bizarre Day (Roblox) Wiki

"I'm gonna tickle your toes!" - Long Arm Larry


Like it says in the name, Long Arm Larry is well.... Long Armed! He appears as a Stick Man with no fingers or toes. Just black and white colors. He also has a toe fetish, weirder then Kira's hand fetish






Tickle Toes - E - The user reaches our their long arms then tickles them, the opponent will be left laughing for 10 seconds, while slowly dealing 3 damage, 30 in total. Must have cursor on target

Cooldown: 15 seconds

Grab Legs - R - The user grabs the legs of anybody within 25 studs. An AoE circle flashing red, anybody in the way gets their leg grabbed and thrown dealing 45 damage

Cooldown: 20 seconds

Eat Toenails - F - The user extends their neck biting the toe of anybody, leaving a blood effect dealing 100 damage in total

Cooldown: 45 seconds

Vibe Check - T - The user summons out a screech doing an AoE. The screen goes white to a cut scene. We see Larry saying "Y O U F A I L E D T H E V I B E C H E C K" as he reaches out, breaks the glass and deals 69696969696969696969696969669696969696696969 damage

'Massage - H 'The user extends it's leg and massages the person in front of them, healing them 30 health.

H+Y is the same, but it heals yourself

0 cooldown



Long Arm Larry using his F