A Bizarre Day (Roblox) Wiki
A Bizarre Day (Roblox) Wiki

Fan King Crimson ReworkSpecial thanks to alotiscool boi he give me the idea

I think King Crimson is a bit too weak in this game, comparated to the anime/manga

Passive 1: Hidden Stand

You have a passive stand (like Shadow The World)

It only manifests when you do a attack or pose.

When you do a attack, your stand will stay behind you and after 5 seconds he will vanish

Passive 2: Blood. Gore.

Your attacks apply bleeding, like Magician's Red Afterburn or Purple Haze Virus

( i hope roblox don't ban this passive lol )


Q: Time Erased

King Crimson will erase time causing to any damage that the user receives or causes to be canceled.

This can allow you to do big brain strategies

(Only the King Crimson user know when this attack turns on or off)

E: Bone Crusher

King Crimson manifests and will punch the enemy in the guts, crushing his bones

This attack have knockback and disable the enemy for 3 seconds

( This attack does not apply bleeding )

R: Chest Slice

It is the same, but now apply bleeding.

T: Epitaph

It is the same, but instead of the eyes of the user become Red, a Epitaph head will appear in his forehead

Y: Ground Slam

King Crimson grabs the enemy with his left arm and, after this he punch the enemy with his right arm, crushing him in the ground. This move ragdoll the enemy, a good combo starter

(This move does not apply bleeding)

F: Time Erase (reworked)

This move is looks like Golden Experience Requiem F.

Everyone around King Crimson will get disabled, they can't move, can't defend and can't attack. Everyone trapped in it will see like in King Crimson TE effect.

King Crimson and the user can't attack during the time erase, but he can move freely while everyone can't move. The user can end the time erase pressing F and giving to your enemy a suprise attack.

( Everyone trapped in time erase can't see King Crimson and his user )

( However, King Crimson can attack during Time Erase if he use J )

H: Donut

King Crimson will charge a powerful strike. His arm pierce the enemy chest when he end charging the strike, dealing incredible damage.

After that King Crimson take 2 seconds to take out his arm from the enemy chest.

This move apply bleeding and disable the enemy for 3 seconds.

J: Suprise Strike

During Time Erase, you can use this move to do a Donut in your enemy and instantly ending your time erase.

This move deals Godly damage (near 95 to 110 of damage) and apply bleeding, but have a big cooldown.

V: Its time to skip

King Crimson and his user Skip Time, turning everything black for a moment (also disabling everyone around you) to teleport foward.


Pose music:
