This is my dream stand
Q) Summon: You summon and wear Bupha's suit
E) Holy Thot Slayer Blade: You take out a Katana and do a spinning attack with it. Everyone who get hit by the spinning attack will have his dick ripped off dealing infinite damage
R) Holy Water: You take out a Holy Water Bottle from your suit and throw the water in your front. Every heresy touch by the water will instantly vanish from the world
T) Penis suffocation: You put your penis inside your enemy mouth. He will slowly suffocate to death
Y) THIS IS HOW WE DO ACTION IN UGANDA: You take out a LMG and loads it with religious intent
F) T H E B O I S: You summon the entire Crusaders of the wiki. They will help you to erase every Heresy in the world.
J) Holy Vibe Check: You can only use this move when with 1/3 of your life. You will grab your enemy and will vibe check him. If he have bad vibes, your enemy will instantly get his head cutted off. If he have good vibes he will become one of T H E B O I S
"Me and Python will cut your dick off"