Python's Spec
This is Python's dream spec
Q) NO MORE HERESY!: The user put on a Crusader armour, ready for the battle
E) Sword Slash: The user take out a sword from his back and do 3 fatal slashes
R) Spin Kick: The user will do a spin kick, disarming and disabling everyone who get hit. extremely effective against a armed Bupha
T) [shotgun pump noises]: The user takes out a shotgun and pump it. Everyone who hear the pump will scream and become paralyzed in fear
Y) Heresy Rage: The user will throw a Heresy Book in the ground and get angry. His attacks now deal 15x more damage
F) FOR JERUSALEM!: The user will summon an entire Crusader army to finally conquer Jerusalem
V) Health Potion: The user will take out a health potion and will drink it, recovering all life
Bupha's Stand
This is my dream stand
Q) Summon: You summon and wear Bupha's suit
E) Holy Thot Slayer Blade: You take out a Katana and do a spinning attack with it. Everyone who get hit by the spinning attack will have his dick ripped off dealing infinite damage
R) Holy Water: You take out a Holy Water Bottle from your suit and throw the water in your front. Every heresy touch by the water will instantly vanish from the world
T) Penis suffocation: You put your penis inside your enemy mouth. He will slowly suffocate to death
Y) THIS IS HOW WE DO ACTION IN UGANDA: You take out a LMG and loads it with religious intent
F) T H E B O I S: You summon the entire Crusaders of the wiki. They will help you to erase every Heresy in the world.
J) Holy Vibe Check: You can ā¦
Fan King Crimson Rework
Fan King Crimson ReworkSpecial thanks to alotiscool boi he give me the idea
I think King Crimson is a bit too weak in this game, comparated to the anime/manga
Passive 1: Hidden Stand
You have a passive stand (like Shadow The World)
It only manifests when you do a attack or pose.
When you do a attack, your stand will stay behind you and after 5 seconds he will vanish
Passive 2: Blood. Gore.
Your attacks apply bleeding, like Magician's Red Afterburn or Purple Haze Virus
( i hope roblox don't ban this passive lol )
Q: Time Erased
King Crimson will erase time causing to any damage that the user receives or causes to be canceled.
This can allow you to do big brain strategies
(Only the King Crimson user know when this attack turns on or off)
E: Boneā¦
The Thot Slayers
-our lord and savior, Jesus
This is The Thot Slayers Group, we slay thots from this community, we free you from the suffering that they do.
This is The Thot Slayers basic rules:
Kill thots
If you want to kill someone, kill a thot
A good thot is a dead thot
Don't be a thot
Don't hang out with a thot
Don't have a thot as a friend
If you saw someone hang out with a thot, kill only the thot
If you are a thot, kill yourself
If you saw a dead thot, kill her more
Death is not a reason to do not kill thots
Don't kill thot slayers
Well... I already said to kill thots?
If you want to be a thot slayer:
Use the toth slayers symbol or something like that as a profile image
Protect your virginity like your soul
Kill thots
Follow the ruleā¦
Type of Scams
beause i am gay and stupid
Scammer is a guy who is trying to get something who are your. But he don't want to lost nothing with this, so he will try to " steal " it whitout you know.
" Can i test your stand? "
So, this type of scam is very easy to don't fall in.
The Scammer will talk to his target " trade? ". If the target say no, he will ask if he can at least test his stand. If you let he test your stand and trade with him, he will leave the server with your stand.
Trust me, i saw so many idiots falling in this scam
How to avoid this scam: Really, trust no one. Everyone can scam you. Only trust in who you know in real life. If someone ask if he can test your stand, say to he go [REDACTED]
-Item Trading-
Item Trading is bannable in the game for ā¦