D4C:lovetrain fanmade rework
D4C:Lovetrain is bad in my opinion lets make it a fanmade rework
The power of corpse:You regen your health of %2 every second and move faster then other players
LoveTrain trail:user lefts a trail behind him while walking any projectile that hit trail will send to a random place
E-Powerfull Chop:D4C does a chop that deals 50 damage and radgolls
R-Brutal blow:D4C does a powerfull blow deals 45 damage and high knockback
T-Dimension hop:User swings their flag and hops to other dimension. people cant see neither deal damage to you same goes for you. you cant attack in T
Y-TAKE THIS:D4C does a heavy kick that deals 30 damage also makes oppotent go flying
F-LoveTrain:lovetrain allows user to redirect EVERYTHÄ°NG but tusk act 4 and golden spin.
F+Z-Flag glā¦
Star Platinum Rework fanmade
i made a fan rework of star platinum!!
Yare Yare Daze: user deals %5 more damage when %10 health gone everytime
E-ORA barrage:User does a fast ora barrage doing 5.5 damage per hit
R-ORRA!:User does a fast ora punch dealing high damage
T-Star FÄ°nger:User grows the length of their finger and uses it like a sword. this move radgolls,leaves a bleeding and blinds oppotent
Y-IGGY throw:same IGGY throw but has a little low cooldown due to only projectile
F-Time stop movement:User can move in timestop for 3 seconds
F+R-i can only able land one punch.:Ä°n timestop user donuts oppotent dealing higher damage
H-Three hit ora combo:star plat does a three hit combo similar to twau's E
J-You cant payback with money!:User does 3 page ora with MEGA HÄ°GH KNOCKBACK onā¦
please stop
people still overpricing r/spoh im getting crazy about it they want 5 mkc or 250k money wtf is going on make this thing obtainable AaAaAaA
Tusk Rework(fanmade)
this is my idea of tusk rework tell me what you think about it. (this is fanmade not offical.)
Tusk act 1
Spinning blood:User regens 0.1 of their max health every 2 second
Spin:Spin infused moves bypasses block
Q-Summon tusk act 1
E-Spinning nail: shoot 3 spinning nails.
R-Aimed spinning shoot: Shoot 1 nail that deals more damage on headshot.
T-Herbal tea:regen some health and lower cooldowns
Y-Determination:same as normal tusk act 1
F-Spinning nail chop:User does a chop that deals great damage
Tusk Act 2
Spinning Blood:User regens %1 health of their health every 3 second
Spin:Spin infused moves bypasses block
E-Golden rectangle nails:user shoots 5 nails
R-Aimed nail shoot:Shoot 1 nail that deals more damage on headshot
T-Synopsis:This is a move that caā¦
Made Ä°n Heaven rework!
Accelerated time:User move speed is increased,has no cooldown jumps and a regen of %1 health every sec
E-Fast chop:User quickly does a chop that does 29 damage
R-Fast Punch:User quickly punches his oppotent that does 32 damage and radgolls
T-Accerelated knive throw:Same as normal mih but with higher cooldown
Y-Time Smite:same as normal mih but with higher damage and cooldown
F-Here it comes!:User quickly dashes forward and slices throat of oppotent dealing 65 damage and leaving a bleeding effect (this move has way way high cooldown like 50 seconds)
H-Time Acceleration:User accelerates time and keep it acceleratin. time acceleration only ends when user gets hit 3 times.duā¦