A Bizarre Day (Roblox) Wiki

This is.. the world!:User gets a speed and projectile damage boost in timestop

E-MUDA Barrage:The world does a fast muda barrage dealing 6 damage per punch

R-MUDAA!:The world does a strong muda punch dealing 40 damage

T-Knife throw:User pulls out and throws 4 knife dealing 10 damage each knife

Y-HOON!:The world does a short Kick barrage and a fast strong kick. barrage does 7, last hit deals 35 damage also able to hit people on the ground

F-Za Warudo:The World's ability of stopping time for 5 seconds.

F+T-Time stop knife:User pulls out and throws 1 knife dealing 45 damage

H-Time Smite:The world teleports at the oppotent and radgolls them dealing 30 damage

J(Ä°n timestop)-SHÄ°NEÄ° KAKYOÄ°N!:the world charges his fist and donuts oppotent dealing 70 damage

B-Stop sign:User pulls out a stop sign and does a slice  with it dealing 50 damage

V-TimeStop Teleport:User teleports to where cursor is

Z-Stand jump: Jump high 

Like i said this is a fan idea of incoming the world rework