A Bizarre Day (Roblox) Wiki
A Bizarre Day (Roblox) Wiki

BayEfes BayEfes 17 September 2020

kars rework idea

Pillarman: extra damage to vampires and damage reduce from hamon users

Q-Light Mode:Your blades starts glowing increasing your movement and attack speed greatly

E-Brillant Bone Blade:user does a fast armblade rush with one arm

R-SuperHuman Punch:does a uppercut dealing high damage

T-Leg Blade:User does a high kick with bone blade with high knockback

Y-Dash Slice:User dashes forward and does a fast slice

F-What does it matter is only victory!:User turns invisible and sends up a clone. if clone gets hit you can use F again to backstab your enemy dealing high damage

H-Superhuman senses:makes you able to see people over walls

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BayEfes BayEfes 2 September 2020

Ultimate Life form moveset fanmade

this is going to be so long.

Ultimate life form:User has a HUGE HP like 500

Q-Form Change:a screen pops out. you can change your form from here



Form:Jelly fish

passive:User becames invisible but slows down

E-Slimy punch:User does a fast punch dealing decent damage and radgolling oppotent

R-Jelly fishy:User becames slighty visible and start swimming in underground sliding oppotents

F-Jelly acid:User turns it hand into a jelly fish and throws it oppotent gets damaged and slowly loses health


Passive:User's walk speed increases highly 

E-Cheetah claw barrage: User does a chop barrage dealing decent damage

R-cheetah Bite:user dashes and does a bite dealing high damage

T-Cheetah speed:User crouches and then starts running with high ā€¦

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BayEfes BayEfes 31 August 2020

The World Fanmade rework

This is.. the world!:User gets a speed and projectile damage boost in timestop

E-MUDA Barrage:The world does a fast muda barrage dealing 6 damage per punch

R-MUDAA!:The world does a strong muda punch dealing 40 damage

T-Knife throw:User pulls out and throws 4 knife dealing 10 damage each knife

Y-HOON!:The world does a short Kick barrage and a fast strong kick. barrage does 7, last hit deals 35 damage also able to hit people on the ground

F-Za Warudo:The World's ability of stopping time for 5 seconds.

F+T-Time stop knife:User pulls out and throws 1 knife dealing 45 damage

H-Time Smite:The world teleports at the oppotent and radgolls them dealing 30 damage

J(Ä°n timestop)-SHÄ°NEÄ° KAKYOÄ°N!:the world charges his fist and donuts oppotent dealing 70 damagā€¦

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BayEfes BayEfes 24 August 2020

King crimson Requiem

what if king crimson was worthy?

fear of the king:anyone who faces kcr user's movement speed decreases.

This is a gift from fate!:all of kcr moves bypasses epitaph,counter,block. nothing can stop kcr

E-Fatal blow:KCR does a very fast punch dealing 50 damage on hit

R-Deadly Chop:KCR does a fast chop dealing near 55 damage and radgolling

T-Epitapth Requiem:Allows you to dodge EVERYTHÄ°NG. nothing can hit you.

Y-Super uppercut:KCR does a uppercut breaking oppotent's jaw. deals 45 damage

F-Universe Erase:You erase the universe itself. nothing can see neither damage you.

F+H-You are finished!:KCR does a donut punch dealing 70 damage on hit

J-accept your destiny.:KCR does a pose,if someone hits kcr user a creepy music plays on oppotent the area gets darkeā€¦

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BayEfes BayEfes 18 August 2020

fanmade tusk rework idea

people didnt see my first rework because of some bug or something okey this is my idea of tusk rework

Tusk act 1

Spinning blood:User regens 0.1 of their max health every 2 second

Spin:Spin infused moves bypasses block

Q-Summon tusk act 1

E-Spinning nail: shoot 3 spinning nails.

R-Aimed spinning shoot: Shoot 1 nail that deals more damage on headshot.

T-Herbal tea:regen some health and lower cooldowns

Y-Determination:same as normal tusk act 1

F-Spinning nail chop:User does a chop that deals great damage

Tusk Act 2

Spinning Blood:User regens %1 health of their health every 3 second

Spin:Spin infused moves bypasses block

E-Golden rectangle nails:user shoots 5 nails 

R-Aimed nail shoot:Shoot 1 nail that deals more damage on headshot

T-Synopsis:This is a move ā€¦

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