A Bizarre Day (Roblox) Wiki

(This is a fan-made stand that does not exist in the game.)[]


Bloody Stream is the non-canonical stand of Coda and is strongest in close-ranged combat. When used with the correct strategy against other stands, it is very powerful.

This stand is obtainable with an arrow with a 2% chance.


Bloody Stream is a humanoid stand that takes on a gory look. Its skin seems to be shredded flesh, and its eyes seem to have a case of complete heterochromia.

(More soon)


Key Name Description Damage Cooldown



KAA Barrage

Bloody Stream will assault the opponent with a barrage of superior power. While using this, your movement will decrease slightly.

Superior Strength 4 to 5 damage per punch

5 seconds

HAH Strike

Bloody Stream punches the opponent with its left hand, dealing superior strength and knockback.

Superior Strength 35 to 39 damage

8 seconds
Bloody Shot Bloody Stream points its finger at the opponent and shoots blood that blinds the opponent on contact for 3 seconds.

Pitiful Damage 9 damage and under

7 seconds
Nut Kick Bloody Stream performs a kick to the nut that can send the opponent away with godly force. Incredible Strength

40 to 44 damage

15 seconds
Leeching Punch Bloody Stream charges a punch with its right hand that can heal its user up to 75HP. Godly Strength

45+ damage

20 seconds
