A Bizarre Day (Roblox) Wiki

So, before you hate on me and say: oMg SpFb Is a ShinY!11!!!!


Lets give SPTW an evolution.

So basically, you need to find Jotaros Hat and use it on SPTW


Destructive Power:  A+ Durability: A Speed: A+

E- Ora Barrage Same as before but deals 2 more extra Damage when in TS
R- Ora Strike- Deals more Damage and faster in TS
T- Teleport- SPSO V move.
Y- Time Smite- SPSO Y move.

 F- TimeStop- 6 Second Timestop

 J- Kira Beatdown- Only can be used under 45 HP

 H- Timestop Movement- Same as before

 V-  Same as before but better distance