NOTICE: this is not the official idea and is just a rough sketch of the stand.
Stand name: Hermit purple/hamon
To get it you need to beat the NPC (add) Joseph Joestar and has a 3/10 chance of dropping his artificial arm.(for now)
Or use frog with hermit purple
Destructive power: A+
Speed: B-
Durability: A-
Passive A: Hamon does 20% more damage to vampires because of hamon
Passive B: Hamon will deal 25% less damage to Kars and Santana users.
Passive C: The user can see all the items location in the map
Passive D: Hermit purple and hamon do seperate damage.
E-Sunlight Yellow Overdrive With Hermit Purple: User sends out a barrage of hamon with hermit purple and deals tons of damage with both applied(the dmg is split equally between hamon and hermit purple)dealing 6 dmg each punch.
R-A fast punch infused with the power of hermit purple dealing 40 damage.(25 dmg from hamon 15 dmg from hermit purple)
T-Ensnare: The user shoots hermit purple out and traps their target on the spot leaving them unarmed for 3 seconds. Deals 5 dmg
Y-Put a protective layer of hamon over the users body taking less damage and attacking the other stand users at the same time
H-The user pulls out a camera and smashes it doing so he can see the person you put your mouse above. (Lasts 10 seconds)
F-Punch with hermit Purple that grabs the opponent as hamon drives through it. Deals 80 damage.
B-the user shoots hermit purple towards an object pulling them towards it.
Z-Hamon Leap: User does a small leap with a small range and can use B in midair to quickly get away
Note:Change things if necessary.